A Home for Light Beings on a MISSION

Welcome magical one

If you have been DRAWN to this place, you are likely an OLD SOUL…

Old Souls are lightworkers on a mission.

You have spent many, many lifetimes on this beautiful yet often harsh planet.

And you have gone so deep undercover that you forgot who you truly are:

A being of great power

A being of great, great love

A being in service to the light

But now, things are changing.

You have fulfilled your first mission, and a new assignment is waiting for you.

Can you feel the call to WAKE UP?
To remember?
To see yourself in a whole new light?

Are you ready to shift out of the paradigms of the struggling healer or the starving artist, and instead embrace our power and our light?

Are you ready to remember?


Mission First

As mission-driven lightworkers, healers & artists, we are build differently. Find out more in these videos.

✓ Are you an Old Soul?
✓ Ready for a new assignment?
✓ Mission First

We are here as midwives of change, and as leaders of a new world. 

If this resonates, playing small, staying hidden, and the safety of being poor


Working at my desk

It is time.

You are called upon to take your place.

To step out from the Shadows 

And to be the Wayshower you came here to be.

Illuminating the way HOME.

The freedom of running a location independent business

Hi, I am Jutta

A healer, coach & mentor with 25 + years of experience helping magical people to release limiting patterns, fully accept and express their inner beauty, re-connect to their mission, and live an aligned, spacious and free life while being of service to the greater good.

The path to get there is understanding who you are and why you tend to stand in your own way, and to then allow yourself to heal, transform, release and choose differently until you remember your power and your responsibility as an emissary of light.

Read more

  • To activate lightworkers and help them remember who they truly are

  • A world in which heart-centered people fully and freely express their light and all of creation is revered

  • Freedom, Joy, Clarity, Expansion, Soul Alignment

Kind words from clients

Some foundational blog posts to dive into:

Start Here

Start Here

Mission First

As mission-driven lightworkers, healers & artists, we are build differently. Find out more in these videos.

✓ Are you an Old Soul?
✓ Ready for a new assignment?
✓ Mission First