Your present is not the result of your past!

A channeled piece of content from this morning:

You always have a choice. 

Your past and your present don't determine your future. 

You can bring in, focus on and activate new things all the time, in every moment. 

You are never locked in, never stuck.

Every moment is completely new and in no way connected to your last moment. There doesn't have to be any consistency in your life unless you want there to be. 

There is NO need to keep on repeating something that’s not fun for you. Something that is painful or boring and no longer aligned. 

Just because you chose something once doesn't mean that you have to keep re-choosing it. 

There is no universal law that says that once you’ve made your bed, you’ve got to lie in it :). 

This is the kind of stuff your parents used to tell you because they have heard it from their parents, and so on. But its not a law. You dont have to accept it. 

You can turn your life around in any moment. 

Really, truly!

In any moment. 

This is difficult for many to believe, because your environment, the things that vibe at a similar frequency and are thus attached to your creation, are still there for a little bit even though you have changed course.

It takes a while for things to slow down sufficiently to become material, and visible. And because of that, it also takes a while for them to change. 

So if you change your focus NOW, your environment will still be the same for a little while. This doesn’t mean that it won’t change! This doesn’t mean that you are not a powerful creator. This also doesn’t mean that switching your focus hasn’t worked. 

It just means that physical things are slower to change than energy that isn’t solidified yet. 

All you have to do, ever, is to hold the vision!

I know we’ve spoken about this before, but so many of you are still not trusting. 

And so we’ll repeat these things until they sink in, until you can feel the resonance of their truth in your heart, until our words reactivate your innate knowing, until you finally remember!

What you focus on, you bring in. Always, always, always!

If you would like to change something on the seeming outside, change your focus. There are many things that can help you with that. A clear decision that things are now different is the most powerful one. Journaling, scripting your new life, visualisations, affirmations, meditations, hanging out with people who don’t want you to stay the same - all of these can work too. 

Reminding yourself always that the physical is slower, and that just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. 

You are a master at creating your reality. Always were, always will be!

What you have to relearn is to create it consciously, deliberately.

That’s all there is to it. You can do it, you do it all the time, easily, effortlessly. But since you create through your vibration, through your thoughts, through your emotions, through your actions, you often get stuck in doubtful, worrying, fearful thinking and feeling. 

You are not deliberate enough about this. 

When you catch yourself worrying, don’t wallow in it! And don’t berate yourself either. 

Instead, use it as information. I am currently worrying. I know that when I worry what I bring into my reality will align with the vibration of worry. Do I want that? 

Yes? Then keep on doing it. 

No? Then change your thinking and the way you feel. Go outside, hold your face into the sun. Exercise. Play with your kid or your dog or your partner. Bake a cake. Do a meditation. Read a funny book. Listen to some uplifting music.

Anything that changes your state of being will change the results you are creating. 

We do know that this is difficult to accept for many of you because it goes against what you learned growing up. 

You were told to be prepared. Forewarned is forearmed. Get insurance. Life is no bed of roses...

Also, you were exposed to your parents being worried. About money, about health, about the economy, about their jobs, about your behaviour, about your grades, about your friends….

For many of you, there was a whole lot of worry energy in childhood. And as a kid you absorb this stuff. You take it in. You feel responsible. 

Your parents have a god-like status for you as a kid. If they are worried, this means that there must be something to worry about. And if they are worried about you, it must mean that there is something wrong with you. 

Once this thought is integrated into how you see yourself, it colors everything you do and experience. It colors what you allow yourself to become, it colors how much good stuff you can let in. 

And it can be difficult to shift and dislodge because it has become part of the fabric of your being. 

But to change the way you create your life, you’ve got to let go of these beliefs. 

And you can! 

Take a decision that from now on these beliefs no longer have power over you. From now on, you are believing different things. Empowering things, beautiful things! 

You can do that, right in this moment. And you can again do that in the next moment. And the next. And the next. 

Every moment lived without a worry belief is creating a reality that contains nothing to be worried about. 

The same can be said for all other limiting beliefs you have acquired. 

Beliefs of lack.

Beliefs of sickness.

Beliefs of failure.

Beliefs of worthlessness.

Beliefs of being bad, or useless, or too much, or too little.

Decide, moment by moment, to not think like this anymore. Actively think differently. 

Instead of blaming yourself, see the beauty in who you are. Instead of pushing hard and telling yourself off, embrace your being. 

Know that in each moment that you think differently, you are living in a totally different reality. Totally different! Everything is different. Your past, your future, your present. 

There is such power in knowing this. It is the key to everything!

Adopt THIS way of believing if it feels good to you, if it's something you would like to explore. Allow yourself to experience how different your life can be if you just let it, and once again become a conscious creator of your reality. 

This is what you are yearning to remember. 

Deep down, you know that your purpose is to express who you are as fully as possible. Getting stuck in one mode of reality, in one limited little box, is not expansive and expressive. It’s not why you came to this planet. 

And so you have brought these words into your experience. This is you reminding you of who you are! 

Feel the power of this! 

Can you feel it vibrating true in your heart, can you feel it sing to you?

If not, this is not your truth and there is nothing wrong with that. 

Keep looking until you too find something that lights you up, that makes your heart sing, that makes you happy. 

But for those of you who can feel the power and beauty in these words, take them in. Make them your own because they ARE your own! You called us to talk to you. We are not separate, we are a part of you, we are a part of everybody, because everybody is a part of you. 

We are all one. But sometimes you can’t allow yourself to bring the wisdom through this form you currently occupy that you judge so harshly, and so you put it onto us. And we are happy to comply. After all, once again, we are you. 

And we love you.


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