Under the Harvest Moon

Welcome to September!

Our main topic this month are your inner feminine & your inner masculine.

What are these energies?

Why are they important?

How to recognise & strengthen your weaker one.

How to balance them.

And we’ll work with Mabon + Osara, the autumn and spring equinox respectively.

The current energies are so beneficial to regroup, centre yourself, and find clarity on where you are in your life, and what is no longer needed.

Our live call for September is on Friday the 29th of October, at 9 am Berlin time. As always, please email me your questions.

I am looking forward to spend September with you!


Equinox Module


This is such a powerful time to take stock, to re-connect to your vision, and to let go of what no longer serves you.

On the 21st of September, we are celebrating Mabon in the Northern Hemisphere, and Ostara in the South.

Below, you’ll find ways to work with the energies, no matter if you are going into autumn or into spring.


For the North and the South:


What does balance mean to you?

Are you currently in balance?

If not, what is out of balance?

What can you do to restore balance?


The physical stuff:

Clear out the clutter in your physical environment, give away things that don’t bring you joy or that you don’t use, and deep clean your space. 

The mental stuff:

Look at the habits you have.

Are they serving you?

And if not, what can you replace them with? (For example, going for a walk with your partner instead of scrolling through fb for hours).

Also look at the people you hang out with, and the things you consume (TV, newspapers?). 

Do they make you feel light, joyful and expanded?

If not, are you ready to change something?


Specific for the Northern Hemisphere:

What is important enough to you that you want to take it with you into your cave?

Winter is a time of turning inward, of resting and of recharge. Don’t drag things along that are not important to you.

What can you let go off now?

Also, what can you harvest?

What have you achieved so far?

What are you grateful for?

And what do you still want to create until the year is over?


What you will need:

A place in nature that you love.

A candle or tea light and a metal container.

A piece of paper on which you have written the things you are ready to let go off.

Some sort of offering, this can be an apple, some rosemary, some salt, or whatever else you would like to give. 

How to do the ritual:

Go to your favourite place in nature, if you can at sunset.

Sit down on the earth and feel your connection with our beautiful planet. Place your hands on the soil, exchanging energy, and imagine roots growing out of your tailbone, connecting you to earth.

Sit like this for a while and feel the energy flow.

Then turn your attention to the sky. Connect with he vastness above you, drawing energy in through your crown, letting it flow through you, into the earth, and then circle it back through your body and out again at your crown chakra. 

Feel that you truly are the connector between heaven and earth. 

Then light your candle, place it in the metal container, and take out the paper with the things you are ready to let go off. Read them out loud, and then burn the paper in the container. 

Feel the lightness of no longer having to carry these things around with you. 

Then place your offering on the earth in front of you, and give gratitude to all that has happened so far in this year. Acknowledge your accomplishments, and also acknowledge what didn’t go so well, and know it was all needed to get you to this point. 

Feel a deep gratitude for your life, and for what is yet to come. 

Then blow out the candle, and let the ash of the paper fly away in the wind. 

To end the ritual, stand up, and bow once in each of the four directions with appreciation, love, and a deep feeling of connectedness. 


Specific for the Southern Hemisphere:

Spring is a time of expansion and growth, of opening up after winter, of freshness and new life. Ask yourself:

What is ready to be grown and developed?

What makes you feel light and expanded and joyful?

What do you want to bring into being?

What wants to be born?

Make that a priority!


What you will need:

A beautiful spot in nature

A list of the things you would like to bring forth.

An offering. This can be some tobacco, a sprig of herb, a lemon…

How to do the ritual:

Go to your favourite place in nature, best at sunrise.

Sit down on the earth and feel your connection with our beautiful planet. Place your hands on the soil, exchanging energy, and imagine roots growing out of your tailbone, connecting you to earth.

Sit like this for a while and feel the energy flow.

Then turn your attention to the sky. Connect with he vastness above you, drawing energy in through your crown, letting it flow through you, into the earth, and then circle it back through your body and out again at your crown chakra. 

Feel that you truly are the connector between heaven and earth. 

Then take out your paper and read aloud the things that you would like to give birth to. See and feel them as if they are already here, feel the excitement and joy, and the gratitude for having brought them forth. 

Then bury your paper in the soil, and know, without the shadow of a doubt, that it will grow into being. 

Place your offering on the floor in front of you, and give gratitude for having lived through winter, and all that happened in the last couple of months. Acknowledge your accomplishments, and also acknowledge what didn’t go so well, and know it was all needed to get you to this point. 

Feel a deep gratitude for your life, and for what is yet to come. 

To end the ritual, stand up, and bow once in each of the four directions with appreciation, love, and a deep feeling of connectedness. 


Audio 72 - Why do we talk about this topic?


Audio 73 - The Divine Feminine

Traits of the healthy divine feminine:

  • creative

  • flowing

  • gracious

  • vulnerable

  • authentic

  • compassionate

  • attuned to beauty

  • empathic

  • nurturing

  • open

  • devotional

  • master manifestor

  • not afraid to feel

  • willing to dive deep

  • non resistant

  • non attached

  • receptive

Traits of the wounded feminine:

  • insecure

  • low self esteem

  • looking for validation

  • jealous

  • vindictive

  • needy

  • dramatic

  • emotional outbursts

  • manipulative

  • passive aggressive

  • oversharing

  • self sacrificing

  • inauthentic

  • feels like a victim


Audio 74 - The Divine Masculine

Traits of the healthy divine masculine:

  • focused on doing

  • speaks up

  • sets boundaries

  • warrior energy

  • logical

  • analytical

  • structured

  • assertive

  • strong

  • courageous

  • goal oriented

  • focused

  • determined

  • protective

  • providing

  • risk taker

Traits of the wounded masculine:

  • unnecessary risk taking

  • perpetrator energy

  • controlling

  • aggressive

  • critical

  • competitive

  • cold

  • distant

  • unemotional

  • violent

  • dominant

  • promiscuous

  • withdrawn

  • can be narcisistic


Audio 75 - How to balance & Strenghten the Feminine

How to strengthen the feminine:

  • Do alternate nostril breathing daily

  • Get creative in any way you want to

  • Welcome all emotions

  • Open up to someone you trust 

  • Connect with and trust your intuition

  • Take time off

  • Allow yourself to receive from yourself

  • Allow yourself to receive from others

  • Set boundaries


Audio 76 - Strengthening the Masculine

How to strengthen the Masculine

  • Take action + implement

  • Feel your physical strength through for example exercising

  • Take a break after you’ve done something

  • Compete in some way

  • Set practical goals, strategize and act

  • Communicate clearly

  • Make decisions

  • Learn something new that activates the left side of your brain

  • Acknowledge and start healing wounds inflicted by men


Audio 77 - The Feminine & the Masculine in Relationship


Audio 78 - Balancing the feminine & the masculine


Live Call September


Live Call September Audio only


Audio Transcripts September

Audio Transcripts September