Under the Blood Moon
Here we are in October!
Our topic for the month is Sovereignty.
We will look at what that means, and how you can become sovereign in different areas of your life. This is such an important topic.
For you to live out who you truly are, and to fulfil your potential, you need to be sovereign and not beholden to other people and their agendas.
In October, we also celebrate Samhain and Beltane respectively.
Find some info on that below.
I am very much looking forward to spending October with you!
Audio 79 - What does Sovereignty look like?
Audio 80 - Practical Sovereignty
Audio 81 - Mental Sovereignty
Audio 82 - Emotional Sovereignty
Audio 83 - Guided Clearing Journey
This guided journey is a bit different than what we have done so far. We’ll do some journaling during the meditation. I know there are some of you who need more time to get answers during meditations. This one is for you.
Questions to ask:
Part 2:
What is this new reality you are creating?
Who are you, now that you are sovereign in this area?
What has changed?
Part 3:
From now on
I choose…
I declare….
I will…
Part 1:
What do I need to see and understand about this?
What is the real cause for me not being in my power in this area?
Where does this really come from?
What is the real truth about this?
How has this been serving me in the past?
How is this serving me now?
What is this protecting me from?
What am I to learn through this?
Am I ready to let this go?
And if not, what needs to happen
before I can release it?
Audio 84 - Spiritual Sovereignty
Audio 85 - Energetic Sovereignty
Audio 86 - Vow Cutting Introduction
Audio 87 - Vow Cutting Guided Journey
Question to ask:
What are the vows that I have taken that are still active in my reality today?
If nothing comes up, ask: What if I would know?
On the Northern Hemisphere, we are celebrating Samhain on October 31st.
If you are on the Southern Hemisphere, October 31st marks the celebration of Beltane.
Live Call October
Live Call October Audio only
Audio Transcripts October