Under the Frost Moon
Here we are in november
During our month together, we have three main topics to cover:
Firstly, we’ll talk about manipulation. What it is, how to recognise if you’re being manipulated, and what to do about it.
Next, we talk all things boundaries.
And lastly, you are (finally!) going to meet your familiar.
Let’s do this!
Audio 88 - Manipulation
Your rights:
The right to express your opinion
The right to have any feeling you have
The right to have desires, wishes and dreams
The right to be treated with respect
The right to say no without feeling guilty
The right to prioritise things that are important to you
The right to not have your boundaries crossed, either physically or emotionally
Audio 89 - What are boundaries?
Action step for this audio: Become clear on your deal breakers.
Audio 90 - People Pleasing
I was asked to talk more about people pleasing, and since this fits in nicely with our theme of manipulation and boundaries, here is an audio around this.
Some of the examples I use might seem extreme and/or childish to you. I do believe that most of us are at a stage in life where we don’t lie about big things. But people pleasing can also sneak in in small ways.
The more aware you become of this, the easier it will be to fully stop this form of manipulation.
Audio 91 - Which boundaries do you need?
Audio 92 - How to set boundaries
The audio about Habits I am referring to can be found in July, it’s audio 60 called ‘Self Discipline’.
Audio 93 - Introduction to your familiar
Audio 94 - Meeting your familiar
Audio 95 - Journey to meet your familiar
Live Call November
Audio Transcripts November