Hi, I am Jutta
In my professional life, I’ve called myself many things: artist, writer, photographer, yoga teacher, healer, energy alchemist, business coach & lightworker.
What I’ve never done is call myself a witch.
Something wasn’t right in my life and in my business.
Things were off. Unclear, unsettled, boring, lame… I didn’t like much of what I was doing anymore, and since my business is set up in such a way that I can pretty much do what I want, when I want it, I stopped doing things.
The longer that went on the more depressed and out-of-sorts I felt.
I wasn’t contributing, wasn’t doing anything I was proud of, and wasn’t bringing in any money either.
Like with all spirals, once they gather speed and momentum it becomes difficult to jump off. And so I stayed on. And questioned. And watched Netflix. And questioned while watching Netflix.
And went circle after circle after circle, moving into a more and more low energy, depressive state.
Every evening I would decide that tomorrow is the day I’ll pull myself out of it! And every morning I woke up with the same fog surrounding me.
For weeks I could feel it.
Until the 13th of November.
Which, incidentally, was Friday the 13th. It was also the day I got invited for dinner at my partners place. Already while going there I could feel it brewing. Resistance. Wanting to fight.
Which was then exactly what we did.
I instigated it. Bringing up a subject I know he gets triggered by. Staying nice and understanding, all the while egging him on to find more and more harsh words, until I felt justified to get up and leave.
Just yesterday, I learned that this is called a trigger activation.
A method sometimes used by intuitive people who got themselves stuck. You activate into a new state of being through using a trigger. The way it was explained is that you are triggered, but I guess it works too if you’re the one pressing buttons and creating a neat little explosion (which by the way is something I feel quite shitty about doing and did apologise for afterwards).
In any case, when I walked away I could feel that my state had changed. Something had moved. The change that had been brewing was finally ready to show itself.
When I got home, I did what I always do when looking for answers, what I had done for weeks without much of anything being revealed. I had a conversation in writing with my soul, my team, my subconscious, my higher self (it varies who shows up for these conversations):
Here is what came through:
You need to find your own path, stop looking for guidance outside of you.
You have to start trusting what comes from within.
There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way.
If you don’t do this we can’t go further.
Ok, ok I will. Where are we going?
We are going to create a framework, a web, an activation chamber for people to reconnect to who they truly are.
We are present for this in the energetic realm. We hold the space. We trigger. We connect.
Just like we have done it for you. Through creating pathways. We create pathways to remembering. We activate. We call soul pieces back.
There is always a way, and the way is always available if you are a seeker.All who come to us are seekers, they are on the path.
We take them from seeking to realising, to embracing, to knowing.
But what’s my role in all of this? What do I do?
Start by writing out what is coming through and then condense it down.
It would really help to know what we are offering…
What are you calling me to do?
You are an activator. A catalyst. A witch maker.
A witch maker?
Yes. A witch awakener. You are waking witches!
On writing this, I felt a surge of energy going through me. I felt alive for the first time in many weeks.
And with that, ’WAKING WITCHES’ was born.
After buying the url, I began some research into what it means to be a witch.
The more I read, the more I realized that even though I never called myself a witch, I always was one anyway.
I know that there is more to life than meets the eye.
I have been working with energy for the last 30 years.
I was always drawn to nature, I speak with animals and trees and rocks, and I know that everything that exists is made up out of energy, and has it’s own form of consciousness.
I know that everything is connected.
I do daily channeled writing, and I trust that I have access to great wisdom.
I believe that I am the one responsible for how my life turns out, and that I am creating my reality through the thoughts I think and the words I speak.
Plus, I love books and movies about witchcraft and magic, and I have an imaginary (?) pet dragon :).
And I’ve always looked for the magical in the mundane, and the sacred in the ordinary.
So I feel quite ready to take on this new job description :).
How about you?
Are you a mystic, an old soul, a change maker, a lightworker?
Are you ready to live your mission in a bigger way, and to show up for your soul work?
Are your ready to value yourself?
A library of free, foundational content for lightworkers, healing facilitators and creators on a mission!