Under the Flower Moon

Welcome to May!

In this month, we will take a deep dive into channeling.

How to channel through writing, how to channel through speaking, how to connect to your guide, how to access the Akashic Records, and so on.

I do believe it’s very beneficial for every witch to know how to download information that she can’t get to through logical thinking.

Our live call for May is on Friday the 28th, at 9 am Berlin time.

If you have questions to the material, please email them to me before the call.


Audio 38 - Introduction to Channeling

Your action step for this first audio:

Become centred, feel into your body, meditate for a couple of minutes, and then write: ‘What do I need to know now?’ on the top of the page.

Allow the answer to come without judging what you receive. Just take dictation.

More on this in the audio.


Audio 39 - Connecting with a guide

Your Action step:

Center yourself, become present, and then ask for a Guide to come and work with you.

Do this again in writing, and find more information on the ‘how-to’ in the audio.


Audio 40 - Spoken Channeling

Your Action step:

Now we’ll get started with bringing spoken messages through. Begin again by centring yourself, meditate if you want to, and then ask aloud for a guide of love and light to connect with you. More on this in the audio.


Audio 41 - More Channeling How-to

‘How to channel’ 101:

  1. Meditate every day

  2. After the meditation, ground yourself, connect to earth & heaven

  3. Send a light, and ask for a high level guide to come i

  4. When you feel a presence and the energy feels good, begin talking, even if you don’t know what will come out of your mouth

  5. If you’ve done a couple of channeling sessions and the energy coming in feels the same every time, ask for a name

  6. The energy might flow better if you form a pyramid with your hands

Listen to the audio for more information and detailed ‘how-to’ around these steps.


Audio 42 - First channeled audio

This is my first attempt at doing a spoken channeling. Towards the end I got quite dizzy and lightheaded, and they told me to connect with the earth, and allow her to take on and balance the frequency.

The channel ends quite abruptly after that :).


Audio 43 - Second Channeled Audio

This one went more smoothly. I asked for them to bring something through that would be of benefit for us. They gave me the word ‘trust’, which was a zip file. They also take us on a journey of grounding desire into reality.


Audio 44 - Third channeled audio

This one actually sounds like a ‘real’ channel :). They talk about why they are talking to us, and take us through an activation.

I had no recollection of this until I re-listened just now before publishing.


Audio 45 - A channeling Question answered


Audio 46 - Fourth Channeled Audio

While I did this channel, I thought that there wasn’t a lot of interesting things that came through. When I re-listened now, a couple of days later, I realised that it’s actually quite cohesive and on point.

This is why it’s so important to record your channeling!

At the beginning of the audio, I ask about ‘destiny’. The guides use this to talk about our destiny being whatever we choose it to be. They also speak about the body acting as a feedback mechanism, letting us know if we’re moving in a direction we will prefer, or not.

And they talk about doing what you want, with integrity, and then go on to define what ‘integrity’ means.


Audio 47 - channeling experiences

In this last ‘how-to’ audio I talk a bit about different experiences and questions I had while channeling. Plus, my guides answer one of your questions ‘live’.




Live Call May Audio only


Audio Transcripts May

Audio Transcripts May