Under the Crow Moon
Welcome to the month of March and the start of a new season!
This month will be all about Manifestation.
How and why it works, the tools you can use to manifest, how to find and adjust limiting beliefs, plus some money magic.
We’ll also take a closer look at Ostara and Mabon.
Our live call for March is on Friday the 26th of March, again at 9 am Berlin time. As always, please email me your questions.
Audio 19 - Reality Perception
Here is your link to the Gorilla video I mentioned in the audio.
Audio 20 - What do you believe?
Module 21 - Gathering limiting beliefs
There is a whole week around beliefs and changing of beliefs in my course ‘You - Unleashed’.
Since this fits in so well with what we are doing now, I am giving you access to some of the materials.
Module 22 - A Walk through the forest
This is one of my favourite journeys to access hidden beliefs.
Module 23 - Changing your beliefs
Now that we found some limiting beliefs, let’s change them!
Audio 24 - Clarity of Vision
In this module, we go deeper into envisioning what you want, and you’ll learn what type of manifestor you are.
Here is the link to get your Human Design Chart done.
Module 25 - Ostara and Mabon
On the 21st of March, the equinox is happening. For the Northern Hemisphere, this is called Ostara, the spring equinox. In the South, it’s called Mabon, the autumn equinox.
Audio 26 - Living your Vision
Prompts from the audio:
What would you like to bring in?
Once you have your vision, go to the place where you’ve been livng it for a while.
What are you thinking, now that you are living your vision?
What are you feeling, now that you are living your vision?
What are the actions you now take?
Now write a little present tense story about your new reality.
Work with your story. Find how to do this in the audio.
Play your choices all the way through.
Audio 27 - Your Magnetism Motor
Live Call March
Amongst others, we talk about objective and subjective reality, the influence others have on our creations, and why bad things happen to good people. I also introduce another way to change limiting beliefs.
Live Call March - Audio only
Audio Transcripts March
Audio Transcripts March