Under the Thunder Moon
A very warm welcome to our 7th month together!
In July, we will work with one of the most important topics there is: Your belief in yourself.
Without believing in your abilities, in your desires, in who you are, and in your right to be here, creating a magical life of your choosing is very, very difficult.
Self belief is at the foundation of becoming yourself fully.
Many of us have been ‘taught out of’ trusting ourselves, either as children, or through experiences we had later in life. But this doesn’t mean that you are stuck with low self esteem.
You can up your self confidence and learn to trust in yourself again. We will work on this over the course of July.
In addition to that, the 1st of August marks Lugnasadh in the Northern Hemisphere, and Imbolc in the South. We have covered these two Sabbats already in February. I’ll republish the audios here for your convenience.
The July Live Call will take place on Sunday, August 8th, at 10 am Berlin time. As always, please email me your questions beforehand.
And now, let’s dive into this months’ materials!
Audio 56 - Introduction to our topic
Audio 57 - Recognizing your Beauty
Audio 58 - Building a Self Love Altar
Audio 59 - Finding & living your values
Download the list of values
Here is the link to get your free Human Design Chart, plus a bit of information about it.
Audio 60 - Self Discipline
Audio 61 - Ways to build self-confidence
Steps I talk about in the audio:
Choose a goal that requires self confidence to get there.
Write down all the blockages that come up, all the negative beliefs you have, all the reasons why you can’t achieve that.
Put the first negative reason behind you on the timeline, and then write about what you believe now, and what is possible now.
Do that with all the negative beliefs.
Go to where you have reached your goal in your mind’s eye and create a power pose.
Use this power pose daily, make it a habit.
Ask better questions in regards to your goal.
Audio 62 - Tools to up your Self Esteem
The list of tools from the audio:
Imagine you can
Try something you would love to do but have never done
Improve one small thing
Write a small ‘To-do’ list and a large ‘Done’ list
Eat that frog
Sort out your surroundings
Invoke help
Try something new
Cleanse your energy
Open your Chakras
Audio 63 - Shifting into a new reality
Audio Replay - The Wheel of the Year
On August 1st, witches of the Wiccan tradition who live on the Northern Hemisphere celebrate Lughnasadh, and those on the Southern Hemisphere celebrate Imbolc.
In case you would like with the energies of the moment, I am re-publishing our audio from February about the Wheel of the Year, and especially Imbolc and Lughnasadh.
Your questions for Lughnasadh:
What did grow in your life in the last 6 months?
What are your unique talents?
What is the best gift you can give to the world at this time?
Is there something you could pass on to someone else, some way in which you can give back?
Your questions for Imbolc:
What stands currently in the way of your growth?
Where are you hindering yourself, holding yourself back?
What needs to be healed before you can move forward?
Once you have answered that, let’s look at what’s ready to come in:
What lights you up?
What are you on fire for?
What wants to grow now?
Live Call July
On this call, we talk about the Lion’s Gate Energy, and we do a little ritual and answer some questions. We will work with these answers in August, so please do the exercise. The music I played during meditation unfortunately sounds terrible, so I suggest you put me on silent while meditating.
The meditation is exactly 5 minutes long.
We’ll also talk about how a partner who cheats mirrors his faithful spouse, what to do when you’re drawn between your head and your heart when choosing values, and what to do to keep up the momentum when you’re implementing a new habit.
Live Call July Audio Only
audio transcripts july
Audio Transcripts July