Under the Storm Moon

Welcome to February, our second month together!

What’s on the agenda for this month?

Firstly, we will have a look at the Wheel of the Year, and the Pagan holidays that are currently being celebrated. If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, this is Imbolc, if you’re in the South, it’s Lughnasadh (also called Lammas).

Then we talk about different witches’ tool, and different types of witches.

And lastly, we’ll dive into the different elements, what they stand for, and how they can support you with awakening the power of the Witch.

Just like last month, if you have any questions, please send me an email. I’ll answer all questions during our live call on the 26th of February.

Let’s get started!

Audio 10 - The Wheel of the Year, Imbolc + Lughnasadh

Your questions for Imbolc:

  • What stands currently in the way of your growth?

  • Where are you hindering yourself, holding yourself back?

  • What needs to be healed before you can move forward?

Once you have answered that, let’s look at what’s ready to come in:

  • What lights you up?

  • What are you on fire for?

  • What wants to grow now?

Your questions for Lughnasadh:

  • What did grow in your life in the last 6 months?

  • What are your unique talents?

  • What is the best gift you can give to the world at this time?

  • Is there something you could pass on to someone else, some way in which you can give back? 

Audio 11 - What type of Witch are you?

Audio 12 - Witches’ Tool Part 1

Audio 13 - Witches’ tool part 2

Audio 14 - Earth Magic

Today, we are working with Earth magic. 

In the audio, you will find a way to call in the next chapter in your life, through writing it into being, and through doing an earth-based ceremony.

Audio 15 - Water Magic

In our audio today, I’ll tell you (amongst other things) about a spell you can do together with Water Magic. Please adept the spell below to apply to your own situation. More on how to do that in the audio.

The Water Spell:

Water turn to what I call on

I am ready to be free

( I now see myself quite clearly ) - exchange this line for your own

As i say so mote it be

Audio 16 - Fire Magic

Fire Magic Guided Journey only:

Audio 17 - Air Magic

Audio 18 - Ether Magic

Once you’ve listen to the audio, follow the guidelines and allow Ether to speak to you.

Live Call February

In this call, we talk amongst other things about the practicalities and necessities of casting a circle, how to be a city witch, and the connection of Covid 19 with the air element.

If you are casting a circle with the intention of raising a specific elemental energy, begin the casting facing the direction of the element you intend to raise:

Earth - North

Fire - South

Water - West

Air - East

Live Call February - Audio only

Audio Transcripts February

Audio Transcripts