WEEK 1 - Day 2
Your Vision Part 1
To consciously create a life that fits you, you have to know who you are and what you want (duhhh, i know…)
So, what do you value?
What makes you happy?
What is important to you?
Without knowing these things, what you create will most likely be random. Plus, it will be heavily influenced by other peoples’ ideas and agendas….,
If you have a vision, your life will be a LOT simpler. For starters, you know what to say ‘YES!’ to. And you know what to let go of.
Your vision is like a blueprint for your life.
There are a gazillion different ways in which you could live your life.
When you decide on a vision, you narrow these options down.
You make decisions about who you are, and what you would like to stand for in this lifetime.
This is important work!
In short, What is truly aligned with who you are?
Let’s find out!
Which is why I would suggest you take some time with it.
Create space to allow yourself to dream your best life into being, and to write the perfect-for-you script.
Yes, it will probably change a bit over time.
But the big things, the way of being that is in alignment with your soul, with who you are at the core, won’t change.
Instead, those things will guide you.
Help you to avoid shiny objects. Keep you focused on what truly
matters, so that you don’t spend your time on unimportant stuff
that doesn’t make you happy.
Who do you decide to be?
What do you decide to experience and have?
Which identity would you like to embody?
What excites you the most?
What do you want, from your heart and soul?
If you want to, you can ‘set the stage’ for your vision work.
Clean your house, get fresh flowers, take a bath with epson salt and smudge your home and yourself with some sage or palo alto. Do a meditation to connect with your higher self. Use a beautiful journal to write your vision.
None of this is necessary, but it’s often easier for creative people to get connected and inspired when everything is ‘just so’.
To get started, listen to the audio below:
Your action steps from the audio:
Write down you ideal day
Check the arrows on your Human Design chart
Become aware of what excites you