Space Clearing Workshop

Learn the Why and How of Space Clearing and create your own Smudge Stick

June 29th, Werder/Havel, 2.30pam - 5 pm

Clearing the energy in your home is a powerful tool to change your experience

Everything that surrounds you has a frequency.

If you look at it from this perspective, your home is alive. It has taken on what has happened within its walls. It remembers the fight the previous tenants had, and the illness of the first inhabitants. It remembers the fears and the joys of everyone who lived here.

Add to that furniture or clothing you bought second hand, and you get a cocktail of energies that have very little to do with you but effect you nonetheless.

The more dense the energy of your space is, the more it will slow down your own life force energy.

In this workshop, you will learn the Why and the How of doing Space Clearing, and you’ll create your own Smudge Stick to use.


29. June 2024, 2.30 pm - 5 pm


Werder/Havel, Lake Glindow

The Workshop Space can be easily reached with public transport (ABC Ticket) or with the car. Specific on sign-up


80 Euro

This includes the workshop, the smudge stick materials, tea and cookies & a Space Clearing Video

Space is limited to 8 participants

We’ll start our workshop with some theory on energy and frequency.

After a tea break, you’ll then learn how to create your own smudge sticks with powerful medicinal plants native to the area.

The workshop venue lies between the Glindow lake and the Glindower Alps, which is a beautiful nature reserve. It can be easily reached from Berlin with the RE 1 and a bus using the Berlin ABC ticket.

There is also a big parking lot if you prefer to come with the car.

Learn something new, meet like-minded people, and spend a beautiful day in the countryside!

Who am I?

A healer, coach & mentor with 25 + years of experience of working with energies and helping magical people to release limiting patterns, fully accept and express their inner beauty, re-connect to their mission, and live an aligned, spacious and free life while being of service to the greater good.

The path to get there is understanding who you are and why you tend to stand in your own way, and to then allow yourself to heal, transform, release and choose differently until you remember your power and your responsibility as an emissary of light.

Space Clearing Workshop

Learn the Why and How of Space Clearing and create your own Smudge Stick

June 29th, 2.30 pm - 5 pm, Werder/Havel Glindow

80 Euro


Why would I want to learn about Space Clearing?

You’ll need about 2 hours each week to go through each module. There will also be a live call every other week.

There will of course also be actions for you to take. The more time you can invest, the quicker your will shift and find clarity.

I’ve never worked with energy, is this for me?

Queen Rising is for all Creatives, Artists & Healing Facilitators. If you can feel that you came here with a mission, a vision, a calling, and if you know that you are holding yourself back from showing up fully (even if you’re not clear WHY you do that), then this course will help you.

How do I sign up?

Yes, you can pay in three monthly instalments.

What happens if it rains?

If you’re totally confident about who you are, and what you do, and if you make the money you want to make living your purpose, then you don’t need this program.

But if you are unsure about any of the above, procrastinate, don’t show up for your work even though you want to, don’t feel good enough, have impostor syndrome, or don’t make enough money, then you’ll benefit so much from Queen Rising!

What happens if I can’t come?

Sales are non-refundable, so please listen to both your head and your heart before signing up.

I have another question

Contact me here to get all your questions answered.