Quantum shifts
My business has recently really been taking off!
I am not telling you this to brag, but because it hasn't happened by accident. Instead I've spent many months 'coming from the place I want to get to'.
And since it's actually working, I want to tell you a bit more about how to do that.
Btw, I know that not all of you want to create a business. But the suggestions I have for you will work for anything you want to experience in your life. Better health, a better relationship, moving house, a new job...
Before we get started on the 'how-to', first a bit of background:
I know I've written about this before, but since these are ideas that are not yet part of the mainstream way of thinking, it's good to repeat them often so that they become more familiar.
Everything that ever was, and everything that could ever be, exists right now in the state of possibility.
Here is an expert from a website about quantum physics:
“‘In classical mechanics, objects exist in a specific place at a specific time. However, in quantum mechanics, objects instead exist in a haze of probability....’”
All that could ever exist, exists now in the state of possibility.
The way we create, is that we 'collapse' this ‘haze of probability’ into something tangible through focusing on a specific outcome.
This is why it is so so SO important what you give your attention to! If you focus on something long enough, it becomes 'real'! You are creating it into being.
The reason we're mainly not aware of this is that our attention wanders all the time. We focus on something we like for a bit, then we see something that gets us to focus on what we don't like, then we get hungry so we focus on food, and so on.
There is incredible power on consciously, consistently focusing on what you want!
There are different ways to do that. Abraham Hicks suggests to stay focused on your feelings, and to change what you're thinking and doing if you don't feel good.
While I am convinced that this works, I often find myself wanting to have more of a bigger picture to focus on. Which is where what I call 'Mindset Journaling' comes in.
You basically sit down every day, best in the morning, and write:
Now that I moved into my dream house,
I feel...
I think...
I do...
Come from the place of already living there now! Focus your dream home into being.
Are you feeling in love with your home, and happy and excited to spend time there?
Are you thinking how lucky you are to be able to live in such a beautiful place?
Are you now making your bed every morning, because you love the way your bedroom looks? Maybe you also clean up more. And maybe you have sorted out your belongings so that only stuff remains that is worthy of this home.
Write it all down.
And then feel and think and do these things now, even while still living in your crappy apartment. You can look at it from a place of gratitude and appreciation. You can keep it clean now. And you can sort out your stuff.
Once you do, you are on the same frequency as your dream home.
Plus, you are focused on the positive, instead of constantly re-affirming a reality you don't like:
'I want to get out of this crappy place.' 'It's too small.' 'It's too dark.' 'I don't like this neighbourhood.'
By repeatedly thinking in this way, you are creating exactly that.
And by repeatedly focusing on the positive, you'll collapse the quantum soup into something you actually like!
All of this of course not only applies to houses, but to everything you would or wouldn't like to experience in your life.
So, shift your focus, and stick with it until it's here.
It might take a while, or it might come in almost instantaneously, depending how much you really believe what you are affirming. But as long as you focus daily on what you want, it has to come in.
Because you are the one creating it!
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