Things to do in 2014
Home sweet home
We are back in the ‚Land of the brave‘ (as the Namibians call their country). It is gorgeously hot, and when you walk barefoot outside, it feels like the earth will melt and suck you in.
I spent last week getting ready for the new working year. Making plans, setting goals, writing schedules. All of this dragged on a bit. I am not as joyously excited about work right now as I would like to be.
If you feel the same, here is a list that is more fun to write. It is inspired by Leonie Dawsons beautiful workbook:
Things to do in 2014
Go on a week-long horse trip
Sleep under the stars (somewhere in the desert, maybe during the horse trip?)
Go somewhere by ship
Invite friends for dinner (practice cooking first?)
Kiss some more
Ki.. ok, ok, moving on
Learn to play the piano
Refresh my forgotten French, and then go back to Paris
Build a strong business foundation, this would ideally mean to have a team to do all the annoying things, like facebook updates. Anybody out there who wants a job?
Love life
Have finances/income sorted (another job opportunity!)
Decide where to live
Run my first day-long intensive
Go to Copenhagen
Feel great!
Speak at a conference. A big one. Full of women
Buy beautiful shoes (in Paris?) Yes, and in Copenhagen!
Create another workshop
Have a candle lit dinner (not cooked by me)
Swim in the ocean
Swim in another ocean, and then lie on the beach with sand between my toes
Take beautiful pics
Own only things I love
Laugh lots!
Have a special fun date with Eva every week
Open up more to other people
Be grateful, every day
Be a better friend
Go on a retreat
Sponsor some kids
Sort out all admin (job!)
See lots of my parents
Love life some more
Find a home by the water
Do something every day that moves me closer to my dreams
Enjoy writing
Hang fairy lights in the garden
Breathe deeply and smile
Look and feel great
Swim with dolphins
Do not settle
Be brave
Get a good blender
Buy a gorgeous handbag
Have photos taken
Sort out my business set-up (any lawyers or accountants out there?)
Buy myself flowers every month. Or every week!
Have regular massages
Be generous and kind
Make my daughter breakfast. It is her last day of holidays, and she says she will be starved by the time I get to a hundred, so I leave you with 53 things to do this year :-)
A beautiful day dear friends
Much love