Morning impressions

It is still overcast this morning.

This means that there is at least a slight chance of rain. It also means that for once I can actually take pictures in soft light.

Seeing that I only have one client today (who should be here any moment now), I had a fairly domestic morning so far.

Here some impressions:

Driving to school:

I used to read while walking to school, obviously something in the genes...

On the way back home. Signs of spring everywhere:

Mum, I am starving:

Wildlife impressions. Frieda is the only male that is present. The others, two- and fourlegged, are still in bed. Go figure...:

Next up some shopping:

For necessities:

And for fun (unfortunately this part was only window shopping):

And now it is time for some work.

Have a wonderful day!

Lots of love,

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