The correlation between Self Worth and Net Worth
As healers and creatives, we are sensitive people.
We have to be, because so much of the work we do has to be coaxed out of the invisible into the tangible. You work with vibes, with energy, with things that are not necessarily seen or felt by people who are more ‘down to earth’.
Whilst growing up, so many of us got the message that we make others uncomfortable. We are simultaneously too much - too emotional, too sensitive, too dramatic - and not enough: Not logical enough, not practical enough, not ‘normal’ enough.
As a young child, you take what you're told about yourself at face value. You take it in, you believe it, and it then determines what you think of yourself.
Which is why so many of us lightworkers, healers and artists secretly believe that there is something wrong with us.
This in turn leads to us hiding the parts of ourselves that would make us stand out.
Parts that are so valid and needed, because they provide a different point of view, and a way to see the world that goes beyond the mundane.
Our deeper understanding of processes and events could currently really help earth and its people. We have a lot of wisdom to share, and it's high time that we become aware of this!
As a lightworker, you know that you came here with a mission. Your gifts demand to be shared and respected. If you don't do that fully, you feel torn within.
And then you likely start internally beating yourself up:
Why am I not more clear? Why don’t I stick with things? Why do I question everything? Why can’t I just do the work instead of second guessing myself all the time? Why do I feel overwhelmed even though I haven’t done much?
This creates a push-pull within that can be very exhausting.
Especially since you are a powerful creator. And when you send out mixed messages regarding your worth and the value of your work, the results you get cannot be great.
Which you then take as proof that you 'don't have what it takes'.
Welcome to a rather unpleasant, rather boring, cycle.
The only way to get out of this endless loop is to take your power back!
First of all, through making a ‘no-matter-what’ decision.
Do it right now!
Decide that you are worthy, you are valuable, and your work is important, needed and really, really good!
And then you stick to this decision.
Whenever you feel self-doubt creep in, re-affirm that you are worthy, you are valuable, and your work is important, needed and really, really good.
Or whatever your particular version of this sentiment is :)
Re-affirm it when you feel like a fraud.
When you feel like there is something wrong with you.
When you see someone on social media and believe that they have it so much more together than you.
Yes, it will feel fake in the beginning. But this is only because you have heard and believed the other story (and that’s all it is, a story) so often that it became part of your programming.
And you can re-program yourself!
For the first little while, this has to be done consciously and daily.
Get up in the morning and immediately re-write your story.
Write down how good you are at what you do. How needed your work is. And how excited you are to share it with the world.
Create specific affirmations and say them out loud every day, in front of the mirror.
Stop all negative thinking the moment you become aware of it.
It will be uncomfortable for a little while. Change is always more challenging in the short term than sticking with the status quo.
But it is so, so worth it!
The world needs all Lightworkers to wake up, now!
If you'd like to take this further, I have a free video for you: