A poem for hard times

If you encounter something painful or difficult, know that there is a point to what you are experiencing. 


Know that life is always for you. Know that nothing can harm you.

Give thanks for the people and situations that really touch you deeply, no matter if it is seemingly positive or negative.

In those times, you can truly connect with your soul, with your deepest core.

Connect to your power of transcendence and become fully alive.


something comes along and opens you up

right down the middle

and who you thought you are spills out


the river swells

and the wind howls the dust of your soul


you know that you don’t know

and all you cling to crumbles



let your lovers love themselves


this is your calling

forced to be present

any other place unbearable


this is your gift


let life empty you

break you open


until you are

filled with light





Your heart frequency


How to get out of the funk