Week 6 - Day 36

Acting from Alignment

Living a life you love means that you actually do the things you love, every single day.

While that sounds great in theory, we often have stuff ‘hanging over us’ that we dread, which is not an aligned way to live.

Here are some signs that something in your life is out of alignment:

You feel that life is a struggle.

You feel stuck,

You feel down,

You feel overwhelmed,

You feel confused.

None of these states are pleasant, and none are necessary.

It’s time to step into your power, through actively and courageously choosing what you want to have in your life, and what you will let go of.

This is a process and requires some digging, which is why we will work with it over the next 3 days.

Keep going until you have a really comprehensive list of everything.

Firstly, i would like you to write a list:

Put EVERYTHING on it you think you need to do.

All tasks

All ‘to do’s’

The stuff you decided you have to do in your business (post on fb. Do instagram stories. Write to the list regularly. etc)

All ideas you have (Gotta grow my own food. I want to learn to make soap. Should we go to Italy on holiday? etc)

All emotions you think you should be feeling (I have to be pissed of because my partner did xyz. etc)

All beliefs you have adopted (I should be more organised. I need to be a better mom, etc)

All big projects you want to tackle.

All half-finished projects you have lying around.

The things on your bucket list

Stuff like: I want to write a book. I want to buy a house. I want to lose 10 pounds. And so on.

When you think you’re done, ask: What else is there?


  • Over the next couple of days, create a comprehensive list of EVERYTHING that you know/feel/think you have to do, either now or at some stage in the future.

  • Also list the expectations you have of yourself.

  • When you think you’re done, ask yourself: ‘What else is there?’ and keep adding to your list.