Lessons learned from running a spiritual business

If what I talk about in the video spoke to you, I have something that is perfect
to take it further, and be supported in building your own spirit business:


EMISSARY is a year-long program for Healers and Artists, Lightworkers and Old Souls, Change Makers and Wayshowers, and everyone who knows that they are here on a MISSION.

It is a mix of the mystical (light codes, releasing old vows, transforming the Witches Wound, working on the inner planes, the energetics of your business and so much more) and the practical:

How to actually run your business in a way that fits who you are and gets you paid for doing your soul work!

What is included:

  • Immediate access on sign-up to my course, QUEEN Rising

  • Monthly deep dives into how to build your business as a sensitive soul

  • Twice monthly q +a’s to get all your questions answered

  • Monthly community calls to connect with the others who are on this journey with you

  • One full year together!

Being guided by soul


Then sign up for the waitlist to get early access for a special price.

Signing up is totally non-binding :)